Classrooms in the Campus

In this page you can find the classrooms there on Savona University Campus and, for each one of them, a link to find out where exactly they are on the Campus itself.

It is possible to check out the occupation of the classrooms clicking on the following link:



Aule Nord

AN1 280 places where is it

AN2 200 places where is it

AN4 220 places where is it

Palazzina Delfino

DE101 56 places

DE103 56 places

DE104 88 places where is it

DE107 70 places where is it

DE112 30 places where is it

DE113 30 places where is it

DE116 36 places where is it

DE118 64 places where is it

DE119 117 places where is it

DE120 64 places where is it

DE121 84 places where is it

DE122 85 places where is it

Palazzina Lagorio

LA117 80 places where is it

LA120 80 places where is it

LA122 32 places where is it

LA218 150 places where is it

Palazzina Marchi

MA116 96 places where is it

MA117 96 places where is it

MA216 49 places where is it

MA218 100 places where is it

Palazzina Oliva

OL201 18 places where is it

OL202 18 places where is it

Last update 9 June 2022